Debate can be stressful: there is a lot of work, and the competitive aspects of debate can be overwhelming. But it is impossible to succeed in debate without loving the activity. That is why it's important for debate camp to be fun. 

Fun permeates nearly every aspect of VBI. From silly drills in lab to games at mentor team meetings, students learn from VBI how enjoyable debate can be. 

One of the staple traditions of VBI is the Omegathon, which pits labs against each other in the ultimate quest for glory. The Omegathon consists of a dozen activities throughout camp, ranging from a limbo contest and lab movie posters to a turtle race and water balloon toss. The most popular Omegathon event is the infamous "Pub Quiz" trivia night, which consists of absurdly difficult questions that (somehow) someone always answers correctly. The Omegathon champions receive a prize at the end of camp. 

Halfway through camp, students have a free day to relax and spend time with friends doing things other than debate. Examples of past free day activities include excursions to Santa Monica Pier, Chicago's Magnificent Mile, and tours of nearby colleges. 

I’ve been to about every major debate camp there is ... VBI has definitely been the most helpful while also being one of the least stressful camps. Other camps are ultra competitive to the point where camp is honestly no longer enjoyable, but VBI fosters a family environment, where I’m able to have fun with my lab (who became my best friends during camp) and also do hella drills! And criticism after drills, no matter who I was doing them with, was always constructive, and never condescending, as I’ve experienced at other camps. VBI? More like VBY not?
— Kathy Bond