Hello HS Judging Community,The Stanford Debate Society is seeking judges for its upcoming High School Invitational from February 11-13, 2012 in Palo Alto, CA. We can use judges in all categories, but are highly interested in hiring for Varsity Policy & Lincoln Douglas debate. We will pay up to $25/round ($15/one flight) for your services.
Certain highly preferred judges may be contracted for the entire tournament and offered a package deal including housing/transportation. Feel free to inquire if you believe you are one of these people.
Please contact Brian Manuel (brian.manuel@stanforddebate.com) if you are interested in judging, as soon as possible.
For complete information, please read our invitation located at www.snfi.org
Thank you and we look forward to you joining us at Stanford!!
Brian Manuel Director of Policy Debate Stanford Debate Society Stanford University