Bethesda, MD – Congratulations to Byram Hill's Amos Jeng for winning the 2014 Capitol Beltway Fall Classic at Walt Whitman! In finals, Amos defeated Cypress Bay's Jake Steirn (competing as an independent). Congratulations to both debaters! Amos is coached by Janna White, Ben Ulene, and Ben Koh. Jake is coached by Bob Overing, Grant Reiter, Robbie Steirn, and Megan West. Beltway is a semifinals bid qualifier to the Tournament of Champions. Pairings can be found on Tabroom: Partial DoublesScarsdale DW def Collegiate JP (Teleky, Massey, Li)Hunter College NP def Lake Braddock JM (Cha, Massey, Amey)Lake Braddock ZS def North Allegheny Senior JZ (Segal, Alonsozana, Tran)Monticello DA def Upper Arlington HW (Lufty, Segal, Koh)Byram Hills SC def Bronx Science ES (Amey, Lufty, Reiter)Millburn WH def Hunter College AK (Moerner, Reiter, Massac)Bronx Science CL def Loyola Blakefeld JT (Aguirre, Ulene, Koh)Harrison KK def DuPont Manual EH (Ulene, Massey, Pregasen)Harrison RP def Plano East Senior Highschool AB (Massac, Moerner, Cha)Hunter College SC def Millburn CS (Millman, Massey, Pregasen)Bronx Science JS def Collegiate KY (Aguirre, Li, Millman) OctafinalsByram Hills AJ def Hunter College NP (Millman, Reiter, Lutfy)Byram Hills SC def Bronx Science JS (Lutfy, Reiter, Moerner)Scarsdale DW def Millburn WH (Massey, Moerner, Teleky)Harrison KK def Bronx Science CL (Pregasen, Ulene, Li)Independent JS def Lake Braddock ZS (Ulene, Massey, Massey)Del Mar Independent KK def Harrison RP (Pregasen, Koh, Massey)Hunter College SC def Byram Hills PE (Massac, Cha, Massey)Harrison EA def Monticello DA (Cha, Hyland, Li) QuarterfinalsByram Hills AJ def Hunter College SC (Sarah Cogan) (Cha, Reiter, Amey)Del Mar Independent KK def Scarsdale DW (David Wang) (Moerner, Koh, Massey J)Independent JS def Bronx Science JS (John Staunton) (Millman, Massey E, Pregasen)Harrison EA over Harrison KK (Kathryn Kenny) Semifinals (bid)Byram Hills AJ def Del Mar KK (Kevin Krotz) (Massey E, Reiter, Amey)Independent JS def Harrison EA (Elyssa Alfieri) (Ulene, Koh, Massey J) FinalsByram Hills AJ def Independent JS (Jake Steirn) 2-1 (Amey, Massey E, *Millman) ChampionByram Hills AJ (Amos Jeng)