Imagine that you could receive high-quality evidence cut by experienced coaches in your inbox every day for free. Wouldn’t that be great?We think so too. That is why we are introducing the Victory Briefs Card of the Day Subscription.Sign up using the form below and you will automatically receive a high-quality piece of evidence in your inbox every single day. And it's free. Cards will start being sent on September 1st.
One card a day is not a substitute for doing the hard work of finding your own evidence, but the daily evidence can help you
- keep up with argument trends on the topic,
- learn about new arguments or a literature base you have yet to discover,
- or maybe, just maybe, give you the card that will be the difference between a win and a loss.
When you sign-up for the Card of the Day, you are not just getting a card every day, you are getting:
- an explanation of how to most effectively utilize the evidence to win rounds
- useful cards that build on one another and respond to changing topic trends
- the cards you want: every subscriber will have the ability to provide instant feedback with our embedded rating system. You get to tell us what’s hot and what’s not.
This will be the first of many new projects that Victory Briefs hopes to launch in the near future. We also hope to provide a Card of the Day for LD too, if students are interested. We’re excited about the possibilities and would love to hear your thoughts! Is there anything Victory Briefs can do to help you maximize your debate potential? Let us know in the comments below!
P.S. The card-of-the-day concept was originally developed by Bob Jordan of, who passed away in 2011. Rest in peace, Bob Jordan.