Congratulations to Law Magnet’s Dino DeLao and Plano East’s Aimun Khan for reaching finals of the 2016 Cougar Classic! In finals, Dino defeated Aimun on a 3-0 decision. Dino is coached by Kris Wright, Martin Sigalow, and Eric Melin. Aimun is coached by Shomik Ati, Jacob Koshak, and Dylan Cavanaugh.Bids: Dino deLaO, Aimun Khan, Nolan Burdett, and Adam BrownFull Results: speakers:
Nolan Burdett
Aimun Khan
Adam Brown
Dino DeLaO
Whitley Perryman
Richard Cook
Ashish Wadhwani
Faraaz Haque
Morgan Grosch
Karman Singh
Salma Calvo
Cameron McConway
Maya Xia
Ian Moores
Jake Davidson