Congratulations to Law Magnet’s Dino DeLao and Plano East’s Aimun Khan for reaching finals of the 2016 Cougar Classic! In finals, Dino defeated Aimun on a 3-0 decision. Dino is coached by Kris Wright, Martin Sigalow, and Eric Melin. Aimun is coached by Shomik Ati, Jacob Koshak, and Dylan Cavanaugh.Bids: Dino deLaO, Aimun Khan, Nolan Burdett, and Adam BrownFull Results: speakers:

  1. Nolan Burdett

  2. Aimun Khan

  3. Adam Brown

  4. Dino DeLaO

  5. Whitley Perryman

  6. Richard Cook

  7. Ashish Wadhwani

  8. Faraaz Haque

  9. Morgan Grosch

  10. Karman Singh

  11. Salma Calvo

  12. Cameron McConway

  13. Maya Xia

  14. Ian Moores

  15. Jake Davidson