Victory Briefs is excited to announce the Victory Briefs Institute (VBI) AMA! We know many of you have questions about camp, ranging from reasons to attend VBI to questions about time during camp itself. Directors of debate, parents, and students have many questions about camp and we're here to answer them! We also hope this serves as an opportunity for us to hear your questions and concerns about debate camps so we can improve camp for everyone!The AMA will be hosted on the r/Debate subreddit here on Saturday, April 15th. Public Forum and Lincoln-Douglas debaters, coaches, and parents alike can ask questions!The AMA will feature the Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum curriculum directors (more information can be found about the curricular staff here). You can either ask questions on the AMA thread directly when the AMA happens or, if you don't have a Reddit account or would prefer to contact us some other way, you can also email us at and we will post your questions on Reddit and answer them there.We know that selecting a summer debate institute is a difficult choice and we're here so you can have direct access to the curriculum team. Hope to see you this summer at a session of the Victory Briefs Institute!Learn more about the Victory Briefs Institute here.