Congragulations to the following teams for receiving at large bids to the 2018 Tournament of Champions in Gold Public Forum Debate:Acton-Boxborough Margolien/RanganBlake School Johnson/WuBlake School Gill/MotoliniaCampbell Hall Seldon/StoneCorona Del Sol Jiang/FrazeyCypress Bay Norman/KanerDalton School Cuello-Wolffe/GormleyEdina Santoni/ParadisFairmont Preparatory Singh/IsmailHenry M. Gunn Kohrman/BalakrishnanHorace Mann Raab/FeinerLake Highland Prep Ou/KumarLC Anderson Harralson/ErardMilpitas Barat/TaiMiramonte Miskelley/ZhengMontville Brumer/LeeNueva School Steirman/PolerNueva School Shahar/ChengPlano West Yang/LuRidge Lu/RaviarasanWestlake Slimi/SigelIf your team had a gold bid, was part of the at large process, did not receive a Gold at large and indicated they would like to debate in Silver PF your tabroom entry should be updated to reflect that informaton. If your team did not want to be put in Silver PF they have been removed from tabroom.The waitlist for Gold PF is the following:Acton-Boxborough Gu/LeeCampbell Hall Sihota/FridenbergWalt Whitman Hepburn/FeuerEdina Zhu/ZhuThomas S. Wootton Lam/ZhaoWilliam Mason Nair/RameshBlake School Barra/SwigertThe TOC is no longer accepting no at large bids into the Silver PF division. Potomac School, Winston Churchill and Richard Montgomery are the first three squads on that waitlist.