We hope that you all have had an excellent start to your debate season and school year! We recently launched Victory Briefs Squads, a team-based alternative to private coaching & prep sharing that brings together a dedicated group of debaters & two VBI-trained coaches to work together throughout the season. We have two very exciting announcements about Squads:
- We’re now accepting applications for our first Public Forum Squad. You can learn more about our new PF Squad offering at the VB Squads website, and you can apply the join the Squad here. The application deadline is at 5pm PST on September 26th and the Squad will be up and running by October 1st. There will be a substantial amount of need-based scholarships available.
- There are still 3 openings in our Lincoln Douglas Squads and there is still some financial aid available. More information about LD Squads is available on our website.
Please direct any questions you may have to squads@victorybriefs.com.