The University of Kentucky has released the initial list of at large acceptances to the 2019 TOC. Congratulations to the accepted debaters and their teams! 

LD 2019 At Larges

Dougherty Valley---Amanda Yang

Harker---Akshay Manglik

Interlake---Megan Wu

KAPS---Ben Thomas

Loyola---John Choi

Northwood---Karthik Krishnan

Pennsbury---Carolyn Zou

Pinnacle---Kristen Arnold

Scarsdale---Sanjana Bhatnagar

Strake Jesuit---Vincent Liu


Gold PF 2019 At Larges

Bromfield SK---Kommineni & Selig

Chagrin Falls HM---Haines & Mills

Delbarton AG---Amin & Gajewski

DuPont Manual CR---Cao & Raj

Fairmont Prep HK---Hong & Kim

Hawken GE---Griffin & El-Kaissi

Horace Mann SM---Soodak & Mark

Milpitas SW---Schletzbaum & Wu

Nueva SC---Shahar & Cheng

Plano West Sr RO---Ogata & Rajagopalan

Saratoga SP---Sankaran & Pai

Shrewsbury IW---Iyer & Warty

Whitefish Bay FE---Fasseas & Ellinas

Winston Churchill DD---Durbhakula & Durbhakula

Winston Churchill HM---Huang & Mao

UPDATEThe Gold Division at larges created room for the following entries to be admitted to the Silver Division: 

St Mary's Hall ST---Schendel & Trujillo

West Windsor Plainsboro South HN---Hsia & Nair

Coral Academy Of Science Las Vegas DO---Denning & Opperman

Coral Academy Of Science Las Vegas GW---Greene & Weisman

St John's LT---Lu & Tong

Montgomery Blair ZW---Wen & Zhang