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In Defence of Moral Error Theory

Moral error theorists typically accept two claims - one conceptual and one ontological - about moral facts. The conceptual claim is that moral facts are or entail facts about categorical reasons (and correspondingly that moral claims are or entail claims about categorical reason); the ontological claim is that there are no categorical reasons-and consequently no moral facts-in reality. I accept this version of moral error theory and I try to unpack what it amounts to in section 2. In the course of doing so I consider two preliminary objections that moral error theory is (probably) false because its implications are intuitively unacceptable (what I call the Moorean objection) and that the general motivation for moral error theory is self-undermining in that it rests on a hidden appeal to norms. | Direct Link to PDF

Moral Minds: The Nature of Right and Wrong

THE CENTRAL IDEA of this book is simple: we evolved a moral instinct, a capacity that naturally grows within each child, designed to generate rapid judgments about what is morally right or wrong based on an unconscious grammar of action. Part of this machinery was designed by the blind hand of Darwinian selection millions of years before our species evolved; other parts were added or upgraded over the evolutionary history of our species, and are unique both to humans and to our moral psychology. These ideas draw on insightsfrom another instinct: language. | Direct Link to PDF (e-book)

Oxford Studies in Metaethics

The full book is available online for free:Oxford Studies in Metaethics is designed to collect, on an annual basis, some of the best new work being done in the field of metaethics. I’m very pleased to be able to present this third volume, one that has managed so successfully to fulfill the aims envisioned for the series. | Direct Link to Book

Moral Judgment

i. Moral rules are held to have an objective, prescriptive force; they are notdependent on the authority of any individual or institution.ii. Moral rules are taken to hold generally, not just locally; they not only proscribebehavior here and now, but also in other countries and at other times in history.iii. Violations of moral rules involve a victim who has been harmed, whose rightshave been violated, or who has been subject to an injustice.iv. Violations of moral rules are typically more serious than violations ofconventional rules. | Direct Link to PDF

Boredom? ADHD?

John Plotz in the New York Times: Their Noonday Demons, and Ours

These days, when we try to get a fix on our wasted time, we use labels that run from the psychological (distraction, “mind-wandering” or “top-down processing deficit”) to the medical (A.D.H.D., hypoglycemia) to the ethical (laziness, poor work habits). But perhaps “acedia” is the label we need. After all, it afflicted those whose pursuits prefigured the routines of many workers in the postindustrial economy. Acedia’s sufferers were engaged in solitary, sedentary, cerebral effort toward a clear final goal — but a goal that could be reached only by crossing an open, empty field with few signposts. The empty field is the monk’s day of spiritual contemplation in a cell besieged by the demon acedia — or your afternoon in a coffee shop with tiptop Wi-Fi.


The Boundaries of Justice

The overarching concern in the idea of justice is the need to have just relations with others—and even to have appropriate sentiments about others; and what motivates the search is the diagnosis of injustice in ongoing arrangements. In some cases, this might demand the need to change an existing boundary of sovereignty—a concern that motivated Hume’s staunchly anti-colonial position. (He once remarked, “Oh! How I long to see America and the East Indies revolted totally & finally.”) Or it might relate to the Humean recognition that as we expand trade and other relations with foreign countries, our sentiments as well as our reasoning have to take note of the recognition that “the boundaries of justice still grow larger,” without the necessity to place all the people involved in our conception of justice within the confines of one sovereign state.

Amartya Sen, in The National Review, "The Boundaries of Justice."

What Position Will Win the TOC?

First, I just want to give a shout-out to the Mountain Brook tournament in Birmingham. This is the second year I've been, and once again the hospitality and timeliness have been exceptional. Jeff Roberts really goes out of his way to bring good judges to the tournament and put on a good show (and the MB students do a great job keeping things running). If you live in the South and don't make it to this tournament, you're missing out!On to the substance of today's post: what position will win the TOC?

I'll try not to answer my own question (since I'm more interested in others' thoughts), but I will say this: debaters are doing themselves a strategic disservice by running away from the plausibly true positions on this topic. I describe the loss as a "strategic" one, because I'm reasonably certain that no one will be persuaded by pedagogical risks.

The debates that start off on dubious premises (thanks to ridiculous case positions) almost always become side-tracked by theoretical and procedural questions that can rarely be resolved predictably. This is especially true in elimination rounds against strong competitors—the marginal utility of a "non-stock" position is significantly diminished when assured that your opponent will either shift the debate to theory or respond with an even more "outside the box" argument. The race to the bottom of absurdity can quickly become a counterproductive exercise, or one that at best terminates in a coin-flip decision.

While I hesitate to make any predictions, I certainly hope that high-level debates will explore the contextually unique accounts of self-defense that tend to permeate this topic in real-world discussion. I believe that the most researched account of this issue can and should take center stage. Off-the-wall positions may be decisive in prelims and lesser tournaments, but the most consistently and universally successful positions are true ones.

What do you expect to see come out on top?

Three Judging Practices That Need To Stop by Adam Torson

All of these practices are tempting, but a moment’s reflection should suggest to most judges that they are inappropriate.

1. Speaker Point Games

Enough with the paradigms that promise increased speaker points for goofy behavior. You might think it’s hysterical to promise a thirty for bringing you a cookie, saying “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” or dancing a jig, but it’s not. Judging is not about you – the debaters aren’t there for your entertainment.

If it were harmless fun nobody would care, but speaker points matter. They affect who you debate in prelims (especially later in a tournament when brackets are smaller), whether you break, and out-round seeding. On more than one occasion I have seen a speaker point game change who breaks and who doesn’t. It’s not fair, and it should stop.

2. Berating Debaters

A certain amount of irritation at poorly debated rounds is natural, but it’s stunning how often judges go way over the top. Expressing outrage at the state of debate or the obnoxiousness of some particular practice may be cathartic, but it’s hardly constructive. Getting angry and berating debaters is self-indulgent; the oral critique is not about your anger. It is reprehensible to be proud of making a debater cry.

Sometimes anger is appropriate, as when a debater is rude or patently offensive, but this is relatively rare. Yelling at someone because they made an argument you don’t like suggests a dramatic lack of perspective – the kids are learning what a good argument is, people have different views on what a good argument is, and students are coached in different ways. The RFD is not about showing off how smart you are or how much you know about debate. Get over yourself and make your comments constructive. You are not entitled to adjudicate a tournament full of mistake free rounds.

3. Calling Tons of Evidence

Everyone seems to want debaters to be clearer, but many of us engage in a practice that incentivizes exactly the opposite. The debaters’ opportunity to effectively convey the meaning of their evidence is the constructive. Figuring out what evidence means after the round and making it part of the decision calculus is blatant intervention. There are judges who routinely call virtually every argument read in the round and reconstruct their flow on that basis. Give me a break.

I suspect this is mostly motivated by ego – none of us likes to admit that we didn’t understand an argument. But – I feel like a broken record – it’s not about you. It is unfair and pedagogically unsound to vote for arguments you straight up don’t understand – even more so when you are doing things like supplying evidence comparison for the debaters. Have enough courage to admit when you don’t get something, even at the risk of teenagers thinking you’re not as smart as they otherwise would.

Interview with a Champion: Josh Roberts

In the weeks leading up to NFL Nationals in Birmingham, Alabama, VBD will be interviewing previous champions of the prestigious tournament. Our first interview was with the 2011 champ, Josh Roberts, who debated for Northland Christian School in Houston, Texas. 

David Branse wins the Sunvitational Round Robin

Congratulations from David Branse from University for defeating Jake Steirn from Cypress Bay on a 5-0 decision (Maeshal Abid, Matt Kawahara, Loren Eastlund, Chris Castillo, Student Vote) to win the 2014 Sunvite Round Robin! 

David Branse wins the Sunvitational Round Robin

Congratulations from David Branse from University for defeating Jake Steirn from Cypress Bay on a 5-0 decision (Maeshal Abid, Matt Kawahara, Loren Eastlund, Chris Castillo, Student Vote) to win the 2014 Sunvite Round Robin! 

Voices Seeks Judges

San Jose, CA -- The fourth annual Voices Invitational will be hosted by Presentation High School in San Jose, CA on October 9-12, 2015. The tournament offers LD competition in JV and Varsity and a bid to the TOC at quarterfinals level. All proceeds from entries go to the Voices Foundation. Last year, this tournament raised over $16,000 to help make speech & debate accessible to all students, regardless of financial circumstance. The Voices Foundation relies on the support of current and former high school debaters and coaches to identify needs in the community and support fundraising efforts, the largest of which is the annual Voices Invitational.

We need to bring in judges for the tournament in October to ensure a premier quality tournament experience. If you are interested in donating rounds or being hired to judge at Voices, please contact Todd Newkirk at We, and the students who receive scholarships from the foundation, appreciate any supports.

Todd Newkirk

Florida Blue Key Registration and Round Robin Application

Gainesville, FL - We’re happy to announce that the 2015 Florida Blue Key Speech & Debate Tournament is now open for registration! One of the fastest improving LD tournaments in the nation (and a current PF Octa-finals bid), the Blue Key Tournament is now a Semi-finals bid in LD and is flying in 11 all star judges to continue its progression towards being a top tier LD tournament. Some of the featured judges include Grant Laverty, Alex Yoakum, Eli Hymson, Kristina Maude, and Jack Ave!With rapidly improving judging talent, a growing bid level, and killer hospitality, we’d love for your school to be the next to become regulars at our tournament! Even moreso, we want you to be some of the awesome talent to make our Round Robin to be the best in the nation, so apply as quickly as you can. The application for the Round Robin closes October 1st, so throw your name in the ring quick!Visit or email me at for more information!Best,Nick AndersonDirector of LD

LD Bid Tournament Logistics 15-16

With the beginning of the competitive season quickly approaching, many teams and debaters are in the process of ironing out their tournament schedule for the season. This page is meant to provide a centralized location for information that is widely dispersed amongst a number of different sources. The page will continuously be updated throughout the season as confirmed exact dates and registration websites become available. For tournament directors (or people who just happen to be in-the-know): please feel free to send me an email (at with the subject “Bid Tournament Spreadsheet”) for any updates or changes regarding any of the listed tournaments. (Note: Bold dates are confirmed, italic dates are projected)

Joey Schnide Wins 2015 NCFL Championship

1 Fort Lauderdale, FL -- Congratulations to Evanston's Joey Schnide for winning the 2015 National Catholic Forensic League's National Championship! In finals, Joey defeated American Fork's Morgan Lunt on a 4-1 decision. Congratulations to both debaters! 

Apply for the 2015 Valley Sophomore Round Robin

West Des Moines, IA -- WDM Valley debate will host the fifth annual Sophomore Throw-Down on Friday, September 25 at the West Des Moines Marriott. The Valley Mid-America Cup, an octofinals bid to the TOC in Lincoln-Douglas debate, follows on Saturday, September 26 - Monday, September 28.The Sophomore Throw-Down has featured many of the best sophomore debaters in the activity. Past finalists include Arjun Tambe, Leah Shapiro, Adam Tomasi and Jake Steirn.Click the link below for a copy of the application, or check it out on the WDM Valley debate Facebook page.If you have any questions, email tournament director Dave McGinnis[gview file=""]

Pranav Reddy Wins the 2015 Tournament of Champions

1Lexington, KY -- Congratulations to Harker's Pranav Reddy for winning the 2015 Tournament of Champions! In finals, Pranav defeated University's David Branse on a 2-1 decision (Kaczmarek, Legried, Palmer*). Congratulations to both debaters! Pranav is coached by Greg Achten, Ryan Fink, Jerry Chen, and Jordan Lamothe. David is coached by Zach Prax, Grant Reiter, and Tom Evnen. Stay tuned for live coverage of the 2015 Tournament of Champions, held at the University of Kentucky! There will be 7 preliminary rounds, with 4 rounds on Saturday, and 3 on Sunday. After preliminary rounds, the tournament will break to a runoff before a full octafinals bracket. Pairings and results can be found on Tabroom: The bracket can be found here: Speaker Awards

1 Christian Quiroz (Newark Science CQ) Newark Science
2 Pranav Reddy (Harker PR) Harker
3 Varun Bhave (Torrey Pines HS Speech and Debate VB) Torrey Pines HS Speech and Debate
4 Jackson Lallas (Brentwood JL) Brentwood
5 Akhil Jalan (Peninsula AJ) Peninsula
6 Varad Agarwala (Greenhill VA) Greenhill
7 Rahul Gosain (Scarsdale RG) Scarsdale
8 Adam Tomasi (Sacred Heart AT) Sacred Heart
9 David Branse (University DB) University School (FL)
10 Arjun Tambe (Peninsula AT) Peninsula

 RunoffsNewark Science AF def Byram Hills AJCypress Bay JS def Katy Taylor NYScarsdale MB def Oakwood JWClements RG def WDM Valley GSGreenhill GB def Evanston CT OctafinalsPeninsula AJ def Greenhill BE (Bennett Eckert) 2-1Greenhill VA def Peninsula AT (Arjun Tambe) 2-1Sacred Heart AT def Scarsdale MB (Michael Bogaty) 2-1Harker PR def Clements RG (Rebecca Gelfer) 2-1Brentwood JL def Cypress Bay JS (Jake Steirn) 3-0Greenhill GB def Torrey Pines VB (Varun Bhave) 3-0University DB def Scarsdale RG (Rahul Gosain) 3-0Newark Science CQ over Newark Science AF (Adegoke Fakorede) QuarterfinalsHarker PR def Peninsula AJ (Akhil Jalan) 2-1 (Duby, Legried*, Nails)Greenhill GB def Brentwood JL (Jackson Lallas) 2-1 (Achten*, Fink, Wheeler)Newark Science CQ def Greenhill VA (Varad Agarwala) 3-2 (Hampton, Koshak*, Manuel, Sanchez*, Vincent)University DB def Sacred Heart AT (Adam Tomasi) 3-0 (Koh, Shatzkin, Thompson) SemifinalsHarker PR def Newark Science CQ (Christian Quiroz) 2-1 (Theis, Nails, Zhou*)University DB def Greenhill GB (Graham Baker) 3-0 (Legried, Fink, Prasad) FinalsHarker PR def University DB (David Branse) 2-1 (Kaczmarek, Legried, Palmer*) ChampionHarker PR (Pranav Reddy)   

Newark Science Closes Out Harrison Round Robin

IMG_5168Harrison, NY -- Congratulations to Newark Science's Amit Kukreja and Christian Quiroz for closing out the 2015 Harrison Round Robin! With ballot counts of 9-1 each, Amit and Christian emerged at the top of their respective pods. Congratulations to Harrison's Kathryn Kenny for placing third, and Lexington's Achal Srinivasan for fourth place!Full results can be found on Tabroom:  Co-ChampionsNewark Science - Amit Kukreja (9-1) and Christian Quiroz (9-1) 3rd PlaceHarrison - Kathryn Kenny (8-2) 4th PlaceLexington - Achal Srinivasan (7-3) Top Speakers

  1. Amit Kukreja, Newark

  2. Christian Quiroz, Newark

  3. Carolyn Lau, Bronx

 Participants (listed alphabetically by school name)Carolyn Lau, BronxJohn Staunton, BronxAmos Jeng, Byram HillsPaul Erlanger, Byram HillsPaloma O'Connor, Cambridge Rindge and LatinEric Wallach, CollegiateRaffi Piliero, HarrisonSarah Ryan, HarrisonBen Laufer, HunterWesley Hu, MillburnDaniel Aguirre, Monticello

Arjun Tambe Wins the Dukes and Bailey Cup

 Las Vegas, NV -- Congratulations to Peninsula's Arjun Tambe for winning the 2015 Dukes and Bailey Cup!  Similar to the Presidents; Trophy in the NHL, the Dukes and Bailey rewards the debater who enjoyed the most regular season success.According to the NDCA:

The Dukes and Bailey Cup is given annually to the Lincoln Douglas debater attending the NDCA National Tournament who has accumulated the highest qualifying point total in his or her top five tournament placements during the year.  NDCA qualifying points are calculated based on the elim & prelim records of the debaters, weighted according to the size and geographical diversity of the tournament's field.  Any tournament can count towards qualifying points.

Below are the top 15 standings for the Dukes and Bailey during the 2014-2015 season. This list includes debaters who were not eligible for the award because they did not attend the NDCA National Championships.

 Previous winners of the award include:

  • 2009: Jordan Lamothe, The Meadows School (Nevada)
  • 2010: Jordan Lamothe, The Meadows School (Nevada)
  • 2011: Steven Adler, Mercer Island High School (Washington)
  • 2012: Noah Star, Lexington High School (Massachusetts)
  • 2013: Rebecca Kuang, The Greenhill School (Texas)
  • 2014: Ram Prasad, La Jolla High School (California)
  • 2015: Arjun Tambe, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School